The pluses of this product:

- Enhances the plant’s endogenous resistance

- The Dinamo technology permanently combines an active biopolymer with the micronutrients

- Improves water exchanges with the atmosphere

Kiram is an enhancer of the plant’s endogenous resistance thanks to the exclusive Dinamo production technology, which combines two components in a stable manner, namely: an active biopolymer, which is characterized by biocompatibility, biodegradability and non-toxicity, and useful micronutrients, such as copper, with high nutritional and elicitor power. While the micronutrients interact with the plant's metabolism and have a positive impact on the final production, Kiram deeply solicits the plant's systemic resistance, prompting quick and effective responses to stress factors. Kiram is characterized by a uniform distribution on the treated surfaces and by a prolonged permanence, improving the water exchange between inside and outside.

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Family Resistance Inductors

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