The pluses of this product:

- For stronger and more reactive plants in case of sulphur treatment

- Brings bud burst forward, uniforms and intensifies flowering

- Increases the fruit size and improves the final quality of production

Cynoyl Extra MZ is the ideal product to prepare the plant for a quick vegetative resumption and to promote intense and uniform flowering. It contains a concentration of carrier and phytostimulant action of free amino acids, the pure energy of the precious mono and polysaccharides and the targeted and multiple action of micronutrients (Zinc and Manganese). Cynoyl Extra MZ activates the metabolism of Nitrogen and increases the plants endogenous resistance to the attack of stress factors. Cynoyl Extra MZ clearly improves the crop’s endogenous reaction to phytotherapeutic treatments (e.g. sulphur).

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Family Resistance Inductors

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