The pluses of this product:

- Prevents and treats deficiency-related physiological disorders

- Provides easily assimilable microelements

- Increases fruit consistency

Agro Micron Plus is a chelated micro-nutrient supplement that provides a high amount of totally available Magnesium, usable for foliar application. In synergy with the other micro-nutrients, Agro Micron Plus has a powerful greening action, with positive effects on photosynthetic activity and plant growth, and it prevents and cures numerous deficient pathological manifestations such as: leaf necrosis, diseases related to dwarf virus, apical bud atrophy, fruit pulp corkiness, branch dieback, leaf fall, stem fragility, and chlorosis. The product is applied from the appearance of the first symptoms of deficiency, repeating the treatments until before the harvest, to improve the quality of the productions.

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Family Meso and Micro-nutrients

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