The pluses of this product:

- Prevents and cures physiopathologies caused by Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies

- Rapidly absorbed in plant tissue

- Improves and extends shelf-life of the fruits

Retard Ca/Mg is a liquid formulation with a high concentration of calcium and magnesium, nutrients involved in numerous vegetal metabolic processes such as: germination, neutralization of organic acids toxic to the plant, energy metabolism, formation of chlorophyll, protein synthesis etc. In particular, these two elements are directly involved in the formation of pectates, making Retard Ca/Mg the ideal product for the production of fruits with good consistency and resistance to handling (strawberry, kiwi, grapes, apple, peach, pear). Furthermore, calcium is a particularly bulky nutrient element and therefore scarcely mobile in the soil-plant system, which is why deficiency conditions are quite frequent that limit the quality and quantity of production.

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