The pluses of this product:

- Prevents and reduces the occurrence of ferric chlorosis in calcareous and/or alkaline soils

- Has an immediate and lasting revegetation effect

- Is ideal for hydroponic growing due to its considerable solubility

Kelafer 500 WDG is an iron seized under a microcrystalline form soluble in water, ideal to prevent and cure ferric chlorosis. It is characterized by a high content of iron chelated with EDDHA in the two isomeric forms ortho-ortho and ortho-para. The isomer ortho-ortho exerts a long-lasting action: it regenerates the chelating capacity, protects the Iron from insolubility and unlocks what is naturally present in the soil. The isomer ortho-para on the other hand, exerts a rapid action responding promptly to the plant’s needs. Kelafer 500 WDG is especially suitable to solve problems of ferric chlorosis in the hardest pedological conditions, where calcareous and/or alkaline soils emphasize the immobilization of Iron.

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Family Meso and Micro-nutrients

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